At Hanh Phuc, our clinicians are armed with decades of expertise in their respective fields and are today some of the leading and most sought after practitioners in Vietnam.

Dr. Le Xuan Hoang Khanh

Specialist Level I Doctor – Paediatrics, Nutrition

Specialty: Paediatrics

With 17 years of experience in pediatrics, Dr. Le Xuan Hoang Khanh is a reputable and trusted expert in children’s health care. Highly specialized in treating respiratory, digestive, and allergic disorders, especially cow’s milk protein allergy.

Dr. Khanh is also a reputable nutrition expert. With a passion for breastfeeding, the doctor always supports mothers, providing comprehensive nutritional consulting services for mothers and babies, helping babies develop healthily.

Doctor Le Xuan Hoang Khanh graduated as a General Practitioner at University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Certifications & Achievements

  • Member of Vietnam Pediatric Association
  • Member of Ho Chi Minh City Clinical Nutrition Association (HosPEN)
  • Received certificate of lactation consultant training program – International Institute of Breastfeeding Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2019 – 2020)

Dr. Le Xuan Hoang Khanh

Specialist Level I Doctor – Paediatrics, Nutrition

Specialty: Paediatrics

With 17 years of experience in pediatrics, Dr. Le Xuan Hoang Khanh is a reputable and trusted expert in children’s health care. Highly specialized in treating respiratory, digestive, and allergic disorders, especially cow’s milk protein allergy.

Dr. Khanh is also a reputable nutrition expert. With a passion for breastfeeding, the doctor always supports mothers, providing comprehensive nutritional consulting services for mothers and babies, helping babies develop healthily.

Doctor Le Xuan Hoang Khanh graduated as a General Practitioner at University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Certifications & Achievements

  • Member of Vietnam Pediatric Association
  • Member of Ho Chi Minh City Clinical Nutrition Association (HosPEN)
  • Received certificate of lactation consultant training program – International Institute of Breastfeeding Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2019 – 2020)