Patient Handbook

Information About Patients’ Rights And Responsibilities



Right to be medical examination and treatment

  1. Be informed and explained about health status, methods, medical examination and treatment services, prices of medical examination and treatment services; be instructed on how to self-monitor, care for and prevent complications.
  2. Receive medical examination and treatment using safe methods appropriate to your disease, health condition and the actual conditions of the medical examination and treatment facility.

Information about patients’ rights and responsibilities

The right to respect honor, protect health and respect privacy in medical examination and treatment

  1. Respected for age, gender, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, health status, economic conditions, and social status.
  2. To keep confidential information in medical records and other information about private life that the patient has provided to the practitioner during the medical examination and treatment process, unless the patient agrees to share the information according to regulations of the Law.
  3. Not to be stigmatized, discriminated against, mistreated, physically or sexually abused during medical examination and treatment.
  4. Do not be forced to undergo medical examination or treatment, except in cases of compulsory medical treatment as prescribed by law.

The right to choose in medical examination and treatment

  1. Choose a medical examination and treatment method after being provided with complete information, explanation, and advice about the disease condition, results, and possible risks, except in cases prescribed by law. .
  2. Accept or refuse to participate in biomedical research on medical examination and treatment.

The right to be provided with information about medical records and medical examination and treatment costs

  1. Read, view, copy, record medical records and provide a summary of medical records according to the provisions of law
  2. Provide and explain details about payments for medical examination and treatment services upon request.

The right to refuse medical examination and treatment and to leave the medical examination and treatment facility

  1. You can refuse medical examination and treatment but must commit in writing to take responsibility for your refusal after being consulted by the practitioner, except in cases where medical treatment is required according to the provisions of law. .
  2. To leave the medical examination and treatment facility before completing treatment against the practitioner’s instructions but must commit in writing to take responsibility for leaving the medical examination and treatment facility, except In cases where medical treatment is required according to the provisions of law.

Right to petition and compensation

  1. Receive recommendations on shortcomings, inadequacies, difficulties, problems and other issues during the medical examination and treatment process.
  2. Be compensated according to the provisions of law.


Obligation to respect practitioners and other people working at medical examination and treatment facilities

Respect practitioners; Do not threaten, violate the life or health, or insult the honor and dignity of practitioners and other people working at the medical examination and treatment facility.

Obligation to comply with regulations in medical examination and treatment

  1. Provide honestly and take responsibility for information related to your personal identity and health status, and fully cooperate with practitioners and other people working at the medical examination and treatment facility.
  2. Comply with the practitioner’s instructions on diagnosis and treatment methods.
  3. Comply and request relatives and visitors to comply with the internal regulations of the medical examination and treatment facility and the provisions of law on medical examination and treatment.
  4. Obligation to pay medical examination and treatment fees
  5. Patients are obliged to pay medical examination and treatment fees according to hospital regulations.
Contact for more information

Hanh Phuc International Hospital 
18 Binh Duong Boulevard, Thuan An City, Binh Duong, Vietnam
 Hanh Phuc International Clinic
Floor 5 – Estella Place, 88 Song Hanh, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC
Hotline: 1900 6765